===>By Gbile Akanni.
I was moved to tears and compelled to bend my
knees, seeking God for divine touch after
listening to this man of God two days ago. There
are silent chapters that derails men from the
track of Jesus. Here is a little extract from the
"The mighty have fallen before, termite of sin
have eaten them. God I must end well. Others
started well, but they ended up in shambles,
others were hotter than we are, but they are
history in their life time. 'Let him that thinketh he
standeth take heed lest he fall' (1 Cor. 10:12)
MY CHALLENGE TONIGHT for some of you is
those who started well, but didn't end clearly. I
don't want to be a preacher, I want to also end
well. For me, it is not enough to start well. There
is no reward for attempted christianity. Only
those who endure to the end shall be saved. If
you have started well, you must end well. . .
Great men have become empty and perforated
because of (silent) issues nobody sees or talk
about. Issues that . . . destroys people's
anointing are not on display. (They are) things
that happen in the absence of the multitude.
When your eye, heart is beginning to cling to
strange things at the expense of the grace of
God on your life. That's when to cry for revival.
There are great preachers who have preached
mightyly in Nigeria (before, but) they have
shifted, they are beginning to forsake the grace
that could have been theirs. Inperceptible
backsliding. Backsliding that no one sees. What
we make some people end up in hell are the
silent chapters (known only to God and the
man.) Things that nobody may know that is
going on with your heart. . . I know how a man's
heart can change over night because of what he
said in his heart.
God don't let anything that nobody sees about
Bro Gbile (refering to himself), don't let it be the
silent chapter when will get (up) there, (when
the roll is called up yonder.) (You may see a
man of God crying and saying I was only
pretending. All I was doing was just cover up.)
Before there can be outward manifestation, there
is an inward action. When ever a man is
beginning to loose his stand with God, he can no
longer endure the sincere presence of God.
Death is not the matter, it's only a stepping
stone to eternity. If you don't make your life
right with God and death happen, you can only
end up in eternal sorrow.
These are issue I don't want to ignore in my life.
You can preach and people get get saved. You
can help others, there can be fire on the pulpit
when a preacher is still in his backsliding state.
What must I do not to miss my place with God, I
must keep an eye on my personal relationship
with God. Your relationship with God comes
before any activity or ministry. (Don't be) more
concern about presentation (but) pay attention to
the preservation of the inner Man. My fear is
that many souls will still end up with a question
mark. Many we be found last when the roll is
called up yonder."
God do not withdraw your words of correction
from us. Help us, hold us till we join the saints
above. Amen