A must read

Are you in the crucible of the Most High,
flagellated by the pangs of the flames,
embittered by its sourest dealings, and crouched
in pain? This is His own way of making you
become the best you.
Are you as gold refined in the oven? Are you
basked in the hotness of today's sun? Are u
battered by the demands of the way home
above? Are you building yourself an empire of
tears and worries already? Friend, life itself is a
journey of two unreconcilable paths; and by the
mystery of creation, man must come to a
crossroad where the decision of one's life
journey is made. To follow a path: you must die
to live, you must lose to have, you must cry to
smile; but on the other path: you must live to
die, you must have to lose, you must smile to
cry. We all make the decision decisively or
indecisively at one point in life.
The way to bliss is never a bed of roses. The
way to hell is never coloured by smokes. So are
you my friend alone weeping and silently willing
to give up and get out from God's teaching? This
is an advice from a friend in the way. Our Father
knows better. He is right there to help you every
moment of the way. You may fail, but He never
fails to help and strengthen. He is truly God and
He is in all things God. Turn to Him and talk to
Him. it will surprise you how long the King of
Kings have been waiting. Who else loves you if
not Him who lose His life that you may live.