Dr. R. G. Lee was a great preacher during the 20th century. He was known for his ability to paint vivid, Spiritual pictures with his powerful preaching. Many claimed that Dr. Lee, through the Spirit of God, could make the invisible seem to be just in sight. He so dramatically portrayed the Lord and the eternal Home of the saints of God. Yet when Dr. Lee was dying, he suddenly opened his eyes and said to his wife, “I see Heaven! Oh…I didn’t do it justice! I see JESUS! I didn’t do HIM justice!”

Only remembered, only remembered by what we have done. Thus we will pass from this earth and its toilings! </p>  <p>How many of us we stand with satisfaction in our heart that we truly served our Saviour when we finally see His glory. As we step our feet on the shore of the divine city, many saints will wish they have done more for God. We are all busy enlarging our barns. O that we may know how much you have done. It's only fair we give Him the attention He deserves by working for Him. When was the last time you preach the gospel of the Lord! Only what is done for God will count my friend!