Getting ready for bed so I decided to take a cool shower. But as the water ran down my little body, I carelessly inhale a little drop of it. You remember how it feels to have water go through your nose? My heart quickly went back to a long time ago when I was almost drown in a stadium pool. It was a bright morning with a clear weather that day. I knew little about swimming but I have boasted an unparalleled ability to my friends. There is this particular friend that is so confident that he is a better swimmer so we all fixed a date to prove our abilities. 

I was the first enter into the pool to prove something so the pride in me tells me to jump into the pool from the middle. So I went to the middle. As I was thinking of jumping, a caution came from within about the depth of the pool. So I decide to enter slowly without jumping. But as I was doing this, going down and down and not reaching the pool's bed, something tells me about the stupidity of entering as a coward. Because I wanted to prove a point, I decide to jump into the pool but I soon discovered that the pool was deeper than my entire body. I began to gasp for life and taking in a large proportion of that chlorinated water. I was gradually becoming unconscious of my physical environment. All I knew was that I was helpless and must be rescued. All I knew was I'm dying and I was conscious of that but I was helpless. 

Suddenly, I felt a strong hand around me holding me with power and pulling me out of the pool. It was my friend who had noticed my strange movements and had jumped into the water to rescue me.

This simple experience has taught me some things.

*pride goes before a fall

*trying to please others can hurry you to your early grave.

And the major lession is


You see... At that time... I was a backslider... I don't really care about God and His ways and I really had so many plans for life but little or almost nothing for eternity. I knew my ways are not God's plans for my life and sincerely speaking, I was never ready for death then. But i could have died in that state... Thank God for preserving me.

But are you too thinking less about this great day? Not too many get this luck or grace of second chance. To some, death came once and that was the end while some like you have been preserved till this time to make a proper preparation for that inevitable necessity. If you are alive... Congratulations! Christ is inviting you to come so that He may forgive all your past, redeem your time and secure eternity.... Won't you accept Him today that you are reading this or are you going to ignore this again as you have always done? You will always remember you were told. 

God bless you!!!!