His birth was contrary to the laws of life. And his death contrary to the laws of death. He had neither wealth nor social
status. As infant he frightened a king. As a child he puzzled scholars. As a man he controlled nature, walking on water and calming the stormy sea. He owned no farm or fishing fleet, yet he was able to
feed 5,000 people. And have bread and fish left over. Without medical training or medicine, he healed multitudes of sicknesses and diseases, charging nothing for his services. He never studied psychiatry, but has healed more broken hearts than any doctors worldwide. He never wrote a book, yet thousands of book have been written about him. He never wrote a song, yet he is the theme of more songs than any other person. He never founded a college, but all the school in the world do not have as many students. He never commanded an army of fired a gun, yet no leader ever had more volunteers, resist the enemy so strongly for so long without firing a shot.

When he died the world did not mourn, but a black cloud covered the
sun. Men didn't tremble for their sins, but the earth shock under the yoke of them. Nature honored him while sinners rejected him. The ground was reddened by his blood but could not claim his body. Though it's been about 2,000 years since his crucifixion, he still lives.

Herod could not destroy him, and the grave could not hold him. He ranks highest in heavenly glory-proclaimed by God, served by angels, adored by saints, and feared by devils as the living Christ, Our Lord
and Saviour.

Each sunday, business slows down as people gather all over the world to praise, worship and remember him. The names of famous men are forgotten, but his name becomes better known every day. Was this merely the son of Joseph and Mary who was born 20 centuries ago?No! He was the son of the living God who came to die for you and me!! Praise God