Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip. (Psalm 55:22)

Our frail lives in this uncertain world will surely get disturbed and troubled sometimes, fears and anxiety may cause our weak minds to tremble and we are frustrated when we know we practically have no control over these things.
The only way to find peace in the face of many challenges is to know where and who to direct your fears to. There is a direct invitation from the one who owns the universe, who holds the future that you come and drop all your burdens at his feet.

Have you sat down silently in time past and wonder what lies ahead of you or have you exhausted all your strength in trying to find where the little pieces are missing? Are you tired of trying and dying of anxiety? You must step out now of the battle, withdraw from the centre of the conflict and cast all your fears upon Him who never lost a battle or confused in a conflict.

Anxieties, fears and worries may govern the heart of the citizens of this fallen world, but those who have been saved has been called unto a nobler life of faith and trust. There is peace in the heart of those who truly believes, though his feet may sometimes tremble with fear, yet his assurance is in a God that can never fail. He knows he is hidden in the hollow of the palm of the Almighty.

O, comrades, are you troubled and heavy ladened, is there trouble everywhere? You should never be discouraged, take it to the Lord in prayer.
