Revival In 1741, William Cooper wrote the preface to Jonathan Edwards work entitled The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. In his preface, Cooper wrote:

Now for a great while, it has been a dead and barren time without fruit in all the churches of the Reformation. The showers of blessing have been restrained. The influence of the Spirit stopped. The Gospel has not had any famous success. Conversions have been rare and dubious. Few sons and daughters have been born to God.

The hearts of Christians are not as lively, warm, and refreshed under the ordinances of the Word and sacraments as they have been. The Christian faith has been in this sad state in this land for many years. There are one or two well-known exceptions. This sad state is acknowledged by all who have any spiritual awareness. Faithful ministers and serious Christians lament this fact. This sad state of the church is a constant petition in our public prayers. From Sabbath to Sabbath we pray, "God, pour out Your Spirit upon us, and revive Your work in the midst of the years." 

He did! The answer to this prayer was the Great Awakening!