Olatuja Oloyede: *If We Have Fellowship with Him*

I never had any interest in dinner parties during my undergraduate days. The only one I attended was my level party, more a get together. The reasons being that my friend who is also a Christian brother was among the organizers and I was sure he will ensure the atmosphere is conducive and simple enough.... I wasn't disappointed with what I saw the organizers who are my friends had those of us who has party-phobia in mind. Nevertheless, when it was time for the level adviser (an academic doctor) to give his speech, he mentioned something that really got me.... He said he thought some of us are spiritual and will not even think of such a gathering as this... Well, this is a man I don't even know if he knew my name.... So this man knew me right ... So he is watching my moves.... That reminds me that our lives are on the stage and those you ain't suspecting may be watching...

_*if we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 1 John 1:6*_

Christians should lead simple and transparent lives with no dust raised or quizzical questions about the conduct of our daily enterprise. Life lived in darkness is enshrouded in complex shreds of obscurantism. The ways of men in darkness are neither clean nor clear but secretive and deceptive. That is why they may die, waste or decay on the inside and still wear that smile of pretense and hypocrisy ____deceiving and destroying themselves at the same time.

A man who walks in darkness finds it difficult to come out plain on simple issues and admit their wrong as occasions demand. Rather, he is passionate about his individual pride and reputation.

Nevertheless, we as children of God should not live in such a lie. Any intrusion on our sweet relationship with God should leave us with discomfort... It is necessary to be sorry for every unworthy act or mistake you make. God should in fact be our destination when we are scared or worried. Hypocrisy and pretense should not be the escape routes of our human inadequacies. Our heart should be transparent and sincere in relating with God and man. Our lives should not cause doubt, our speech behaviour should not raise questions about trust, our relationship should not be inordinate. Remember that in God, there is no shadow of turning. Men should be able to trust you and believe your words. Your life should reflect your God.

*_If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth_*

Theoretical and hypothetical Christianity is a caricature of Pentecostalism. Your profession of Christian call values should not be limited to realm of ideological cognition but must find solid expression in every of your practices and social engagements. It is indeed antithetical to boast a fellowship with God and still lead an exactly reverse life. A man who constantly fellowships with God will gradually become like God. It means certain natures of God like holiness, love, mercy, compassion, lowliness, wisdom, selflessness among others will begin to manifest in that life.

What life are you living? Do you claim to know God and still have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness! You are pacing down a winding road leading straight into depression forever. This is a wake up call to all the children of God who has God missing still in their physical lives ... It is time to come back home.

© Oloyede Olatuja