Starting a slow boring day again... I begin to write this....

This isn't the time to sit on idle chairs counting the tragedies of yesteryears. Now isn't the ideal time to cluster in dark corners reflecting over the ruins of the past or the blows of bygone days. This is no time to go back rampaging the pages of historic tragedy. O man, your tears are part of you and you can't run from it. Ups and downs are the flowers that launders the path of life. This is the time to stand on lofty mountains and declare your freedom to the world. Stretch your hands in the wind and feel the moment of peace hidden in the passage of time. Turning to America or England will not solace your soul on enchanted pyre... Tell the guy that brags on leaving to go to hell... Tell the past your are not in chains, tell the days ahead you don't give a damn. Tell death you are not afraid. You are a man brother, a silent observer of the passage season. A slave of your own chains and worry. You need no thing, no one to be happy. .... Just be you and that's hell enough to bring you happiness..