Do not love the world or the things in the world, anyone who loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2: 15

How beautiful yet difficult for our hearts to centre its attractions on things revolving round God. The flashing things of this world, the fading glory of its passing, and all the entrapments of comfort its holds are there as consistent beckon to our ever anxious and troubled minds. Is this commandment not therefore a gross violation of our human limitations and are we not charged to subject our lives to a course practically impossible? Love not the world!!!!

What does that mean?
The desires of the flesh ____those things or acts that appeal to our sensuality and feelings which tend to give us touches of pleasure and satisfaction...

The desire of the eyes ____those material valuables compelling the pilgrim's heart by their sense of worth. (Material possessions and physical sophistications)

The pride of life ____the uncultured craze to make yourself comfortable in the highest echelon of social and political relevance. The tussle for financial supremacy and recognition.

These things are not intrinsically bad in themselves and the scriptures do not dissuade the child of God from becoming socially and politically relevant. In fact, it is scattered over the pages of the Bible why as a child of God, it is mandatory for you to rise to the peak of your chosen career. However, there is a warning not to forget the temporality of everything the world has to offer. We are encouraged to place our absolute trust, love and assurance in God.

You don't need a separate dwelling from your social environment but in the middle of several untrammeled technological progress, God wants our first love and interest to be in Him and His holy will. He wants our happiness not to be quantified by the things the world holds but that our peace of mind will be measured by His sufficiency.
A christian student who condescend so low by involving himself in examination malpractice has only shown that his desperation for academic excellence outweighs his love for God. An employee who compromises the chastity of holy matrimony to get a job has echoed through eternity where her true love actually lies... Academic excellence and financial security are certainly the will of God but not to be possessed by dubious and ungodly means. God do not want us to be frustrated by anything in this world to the point of exhorting such over His will and plan.

The temptation of our Lord should remind you of the constant strategy of the enemy. It will always ask you to bow, to compromise, to be enslaved, to worship before you possess its promises. The system of the world will always seek to rule and control you. Just take note of Jesus' rebuke. Only one deserves to be worshiped. God is the only one that should control or rule me not the temporal riches or the fading glory of a decaying world.

Our security is not in the things we see, feel, have or even dream of. Our security and peace of mind is in God.

This is a spiritual stature that we should all pray to attain. At this point where all that really matters is God, nothing  we trouble us about the uncertainties of life.

Let us pray!!!

©Olatuja Oloyede