A Beast From Which There is No Running

A Beast There is No Running

Is death the end of mortal dreams
The hopes that once fuels a toiling hand
Shall we all someday
Be enshroud in white blankets
Into that yonder realm of oblivion
To sleep forever in closed graves?

What song will the lips sing
When a legend dies in the struggle
How long must the lonesome soul cries
When a loved one is gone
Alas, the giant is gone
On a journey of no return
Through the mysterious route of eternity
The path we shall one by one tread

The mighty elephant has fallen
Its quakes are carried on the wings of the wind
Its bang has drummed the plate of the sky
Startling the other beast of the jungle
From the calmness of a peaceful night

So even the great must go
Where the worms had gone
In death is all equal
A beast from which there is no warning
A fate from which there is no running

© Olatuja Oloyede