This is a huge question indeed as there are many conflicting ideas and schools of thought.

I actually love solo spirituals but I'm a fan of some secular music too.... But as I grow in faith, I kept deleting, re-downloading, and deleting certain songs finding it hard to synchronize them with my spiritual life... The same goes for secular movies too, especially season films.... This is not a deliberate action but an involuntary reaction from within. I get really troubled in my spirit when worldly music is blaring from the stereo set... We should start by giving a working definition of the so-called worldly music.

The opposite of worldly is godly. Worldly here is anything inspired by the system of the world which is usually at loggerheads with the will of God. We can safely assume therefore that a song or movie that represents or celebrates ideas that are anti-God is worldly. Love songs becomes worldly when its celebrates fornication and adultery. Social songs or movies can be termed worldly if its propagates the spirit of fraudulence, gangsterism, disloyalty and rebellion. However, a song that speaks about the lot of the commoners may not necessary be hymns or spiritual in production but could serve as a reminder that the world has some people in the ghetto that needs our attention and love. Some songs recreate and imitate ... So the complexities of the genres of songs may become little problematic in terms of proper classification.
But Jesus Himself make some points clear about our individual lives..... This is what He says

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I said to you.

John 14:26

It means that the spirit of God in us will serve as a prompter and counselor streamlining our lives into the will of God. He will create in us what I call compatibility mechanism, a configured mind that is fashioned to flow with the will of God. At this point, it won't matter the linguistic class of the song but the spiritual relevance, thematic relevance, the spirit behind its production and the power sponsoring the song....

Wait.... Have not said much really.... If you've got irritated at some songs or movies probably because of your faith..pause and check... The spirit of God may be saying that the song isn't good for the one in whom the spirit of the Most High dwells, delete it. You won't want to indulge in what Christ Himself won't encourage right?.... Have you some songs which celebrate revenge, wickedness, lusts, pride, prodigality, profanity, immorality etc. . . obviously... You've got to get off that track before your emotions and psychology become a slave of worldliness... But you see, just the way some literatures aside spiritual ones can add to your knowledge about the world of humanity, so will some songs do... The Spirit of God in you will lead and direct you. You won't have to ask which songs should I listen or not listen to. God himself will direct your path into His will. Draw closer to God and the rest is settled.

Hope that helps.

© Olatuja Oloyede