The Monitor Lizard
(Just like an Alligator)
I forgot to mention that crocodiles are the largest reptiles walking this planet however, the alligator is also one of the dangerous reptiles you can find around.

Then I saw the monitor lizard. Monitor lizard bears a semblance of an alligator. There were quite a number of these guys in the cage. One dazzling thing that caught my attention is the golden colour sprinkled around their skin especially around their necks. Hey, these do not look like lizards at all. They are bigger and imposing. They have long tongues just like snakes and look more like a terrestrial alligator. How many of them do I see? Maybe four or so... Can't say but since most of them are in the pond, I wouldn't know.
Well, a sight of this creatures can create fear in any simple heart like mine and for just a little moment, I want to tank God for creating me human...