Art, History and Criticism

By Adewole Okuwafemi (OBJ)

In addition to the on going intellectual submissions.

History is the past and mostly viewed by historical critics as the flashlight to the future. However the light of some flashlights can be dim and others bright. It is believed that history sharpen us and our lack of historical knowledge would be our Waterloo as it kills us. An example can be see in the Nigerian Civil war. It is noted that the Nigerian Civil war which to our generation is history has shapen the live style we live in our generation. In the same vein history gives the road map to the future. Today in Nigeria ethnic and tribal sentiments are still rife due to the Biafram war.

Literature on the other hand is an interesting representation of life (LIFE here used generously). Literature speaks to the society by doing a critique of the way the society should be patterned. Literature is more of an intellectual cum psychological engagement than a realist engagement. Literature helps us to see the things hitherto unseen.

Criticism cannot be over emphasized. Criticism according to scholars like Fanon is the use of particular tools in engaging peculiar issues. Just like the carpenter makes measurement to get a foot stool done. Criticism too measures issues in a literary composition and nails it with accuracy and precision. Criticism is burdened with the right to open our consciousness to the hidden realities that a writer engages.

The interface between history, literature and criticism is this. While history provides the lubrication that assist literature in gliding through social and intellectual constructs, Criticism brings friction into this flow for us not to over speed and get lost in the motion that's applying Newton's law of motion.

Now let's do a very short and concise analysis of this interrelated concepts through the Marxist lens of 1984.
NB: Althusser's submission on Marxism would be engaged.

Prior to the writing of 1984 the world was thoroughly taken over by Capitalists and the social order saw to it that we comfortably have three economic classes.

However, sometimes around 1940 Communism and Socialism began to rear their head. That's History.

The book 1984 engages the idea of the state having all and actually using the mind of the People to deceive them.
Winston wants to break free from the mental cage he's caged but what happens he's taken to room 101. The dreaded room of torture. To be beaten and broken till he agrees that 2+2=5. Now what do the capitalist do according to Althusser they use state apparatus like Prison, Court and Query to beat you to submission.

Also at a point a young lad went to report the parents to Authority. These young ones are trained or educated to be spies even against their parent. Another tool of the capitalist is Education. A child is educated from the cradle to learn how to behave and work for the capitalist.
Also, the idea of interpellation states that it is until you recognise an Authority that the authority can work on you. Exactly what was done with the use of Big brother. The image automatically got engraved in the mind of the people.

I hope have been able to elucidate on the nexus of the three.

NB: 1984 was written in 1949 though intended to be written in 1948 as a warning that by 1984 if Communism wasn't fought. That's the state the world would be in.

Adewole Oluwafemi
Femi Xplosionz
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