Part One: From My Lonesome Bench of Darkness

What exactly do men call love in this world
Is it one of those wonderful treasures
That is now lost in the abyss of history?
Or one of those castles
That grows in the fantasies of our hearts?
Of one of those fortified cities
That had melted into debris by mortal wars?
Or one of those alluring gazelles
That briefly roam the meadows of time
And then strayed into the path of death?

What was it you did to me
That each time I catch a glimpse of you
My heart will skip and my bones will melt
The twilight brings upon her wings
A struggle in my mind
A conflict to get you out
Every dawn reveals the angel in you
I can't get rid of your face
From the carven of my thoughts

Why not tell me
The first day I met you
That you didn't come  alone
You came with chains and made slave of my soul

You came with fetters
You put your gags upon my sight
I now miss the warmth of my bed
Peace and sleep
Take to flight from my lonely bed
Souring miles into the cloud beyond my reach

I now sit on this lonesome bench
Watching the starless nights
As they fade into oblivion

But this very night
I see you in the dark
Radiating with those smiles
That once drain my commonsense
Your voice becomes echoed in my ears
Beckoning me to get closer
So one step I take towards you
And then many others after
You are the apparition
Who stands in the dark
And though I'm aware of the dangers of the night
Closer still your smiles bid me

My lips began to move
Trying to whisper your name
The closer I get, the farther you were
When close enough I got
I reached out my hands
To touch the very beauty that calls me
From my lonesome bench of the dark
Quickly you faint into the thinnest air
Leaving me with the awareness
That I had shortly gone mad
And that is why I ask
What exactly is love in this world
Is it the madness that feasted upon our humanity
Or the faggots that fuel the only hell in heaven
Watch out for part two!!!
© Olatuja Oloyede