Idylls of Love___Part 8: (Leaving a Demon in Your Vein)

Love is the demon haunting in the darkness of our heart
Love is the tragedy a noble soul may know
If a slap is all I get
For all my years of waiting
If a merciless beating is the reward of my loneliness
Then is there still justice in this world?

But I refuse to make the dust my bed
My feet are moulded with the clay of gold
My heart is hewn out of the diamond rock
Not even the gods should defile it
Every beast stays off the path of death
But death stays off my path
So who are these lost fools with fake muscles
Built out of pitiable fear

I stood from the dust and rubbles
Determined to confront Amanda
Why the lions she brought from cities decide to bite the granite
To remind her wild animals are better kept in zoo
Not under the same roof that houses man

Why don't you run with love in your hands
To take off me this regalia of disgrace
Why do you refrain your embrace from my shivering heart
Your hug would have kept me warm
Just one apology is enough to right all the wrongs done
Why does your presence frightens me
Where am I feeling like I'm standing in hell

When you were told it was Kante trying to see you
Your words flew like missiles that can't be impeded by the air
It came that thunder digging out the root of Ogoy tree

Your voice that use to be sweet like the whistles of angels
Became exactly like a terrifying demon
As you turn to the beasts in whom your security are placed

" I don't know any Kante
Maybe they are one of the village sycophants
Scampering around the table of affluence
Begging from crumbs falling off the overfed mouth of the rich
And if you love your job and your life
You will keep all these useless illiterates out of my way"

Whatever the city has done to you
It has taken away the girl you once were
And left a demon in your soul
A demon is lost in your vein
Without hope of escape

Whatever the city has done to you
It has ruined the innocence we once share
The love we once had
Leaving only a monster in you
And this is unfair

Unfair to the world you left behind
Unkind to the mother you neglect
Unjust to me, the only one with the heart still beating for you

But I'm not the only one who saw the claws of civilization
Carelessly tearing you apart
Everyone in Zabari village
The dirt your car spit on the boy will forever stain his heart with hatred
Even if it washes off his shirt
The woman you snub there greetings will never forget
The men you ignored will always remember
The earth that keeps the remains of your mother will never forgive

© Olatuja Oloyede

To be continued
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