Mayowa Odewoye

by Mayowa Odewoye

A country once said to be the giant of Africa, a nation whose strength of Army once intimidated the strong, a country once said to be a fast growing nation, and a nation once known for peace and serenity. All these are for the old Nigeria. It is written "the glory of the latter shall surpass the former" but such is not the case of Nigeria. The state of Nigeria is dilapidating as some said 'leaders' have usurped and eaten the country to her bone. The politicians who want no good for this country have taken the country at the heart and are feasting on the public's sweat. These same politicians oppose enlightenment and education knowing that education leads to liberation, they distort the system so that it can hardly function right. They have their children get the best education abroad and prepare a safe haven for them from the public sweat. They use hungry and unlearned youth as machinery to perpetuate their callous scheme. They disguise and come in sheep's clothing but are ferocious wolves.

If we keep dancing and gaying with these people, the inequality line will continue to expand. The ungodly will continue to rule and rejoice while the polity will continue to lament and wail in anguish. They are like the devil that gives a kobo and takes a million in return. If  we keep our hands fold not doing our civil responsibility, we will continue to breed vipers into our government. 

Lately, the call for secession from the part of the Independent people of Biafra has been intense, the Movement for emancipation of Niger Delta is not left out. Have we asked ourselves the reason for this? The basic reason is the jejune state of the country where the people are dissatisfied with the government. Although, some of these group have political undertones but are first as a result of the prejudice and marginalization. The just concluded Lagos election is message enough to tell the government that the people have lost confidence in the country's government. Election where people refused to exercise their franchise and the few who did did perhaps because they were enticed with  stipends. 

Restructuring is the term we are singing now. The restructuring we are calling for, we are not defining it yet. What are we restructuring? How are we restructuring? Can we two wrongs make a right? The restructuring if not defined now, we will sing another song in the near future. The APC leadership set up a committee to look at the call for restructuring. The committee is chaired by Governor Nasir El-Rufai who once spoke publicly against restructuring. Have you thought of it? If we do not define the restructuring, we will be given something else. 

I call the youth of the country to wake up from their sleep, wake up from their slumber, enough of selling your birthright for a meal like Esau, enough of giving yourself as a stooge for politicians. If you do not build your country someone else will use you to build his career. If you do not stand up for your country, someone else will use your children to build security for his children. If the Azikwes did not take up the responsibility to take the country from the colonialists the 1960's independent would not have been, if the Macualeys, and West African Student Union leaders did not stand for emancipation we would not have had our freedom. The youth forms the largest population yet, we do not avail the opportunity to build this country. There is misconception that power belongs to the government but hardly do we know that the power belongs to the people. The politicians know this that is why they divide and rule. Until we eschew  tribal difference, nepotism and see strength in our differences we will not have a way forward. I urge all Nigeria youth to be optimistic, let the brotherly love be established and rescue the country for posterity.

God bless Nigeria.