Anyone who loves instruction loves knowledge: but he that hates reproof is brutish (an animal, lacking human sensibility)Proverbs 12:1

Man is not naturally created perfect and as long as we are humans, we will always need to get better. That is why God has placed some people and things in our lives at different stages to correct, rebuke and instruct us. Our parents, pastors and godly friends are not the threats we think they are but are the guidance of God leading us on the path of destiny. If the people surrounding you are singing your praises every time, obviously, you are in the wrong company of deceivers and liars. If they don't kill you, they will ruin you.

Some have become so aggressive to instruction. All you need to do to offend them is to say "don't do this, it is wrong and not accepted by God or in favour of humanity". You see them gather their intellectual or maybe theological muscles to defend why correction is unnecessary. Correction is a loving act of God. If He says don't do this or that, it is not because He does not want you to enjoy the pleasures in it, but because He knows the damage the pleasures of sins will do to His purpose in your life.

You will always meet those who will correct you, don't get offended rather appreciate it as a gift sent from the Father of light. But if you live in a world where there is no chastisements and you seems to be left all alone maybe because of your determined resistance against instructions and corrections, you are not just given over to reprobation, you are in a free fall down a rocky hill. The scars of disobedience does not heal quickly. Some injuries sustain in the unguided hours sometimes linger for the rest of our lives. But most mistakes we make in life can be avoided only if we decided to take note of how we spend our lives.
What is it in your life that you are constantly warned of by your parents, friends, conscience, online posts, etc.? 

Are there instructions here and there you keep pending waiting for a convenient time to obey? This is the right time to subject yourself to instruction and pray that God guidance will be forever part of your journey over every matter every moment of your life. Amen

© Olatuja Oloyede