Edmund Burke in his words said "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to sit down and do nothing."
We have been deceived, we have been beaten, we are being deceived and are being beaten again and again. Who will save us from this wickedness? Like the Prophet said in Isaiah "His watchmen are all blind, they are all ignorant; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, laying down, loving to slumber." A generation has failed and had admitted. Another generation also failed and admitted. They loved sleep, they pleasured in slumbering and their  inaction has brought us into this hardship.
We have had leaders who gave themselves for the progress of this country. They understood that leadership is not in titles or offices but in sacrificial service to humanity. Ask the Awo's, the Zik's, and the Bello's. Their works and service to humanity still speak today. No wonder their statues are being erected all over the Nation.
When the head is bad, the whole body is bad also. The leadership of Nigeria is bad, the whole system is bad also. There was a time when the system was good because there were a few good leaders.  Today, the few had gone and are no more. Perhaps they were not proactive enough to think of posterity. The generations that succeeded them were failures. That is why we are where we are today -a pathetic state. All man is for himself, there is no heart for humanity like the Ghandis and Mandelas little wonder why a man amass billions of niara to his private coffers from public office. Little wonder why a minister -who is suppose to be a public servant- would syphon the billions of naira meant for her ministry's project. Little wonder why an appointed politician would manoeuvre documents to suit his wicked interest.
They see public office as an opportunity to amass wealth, enrich and fatten themselves -a poor mindset that most of our said 'politicians' have.
2019 jamboree have started as usual. They have started visiting their failed leaders. They have begun consulting with one another, they have started planning again to recycle the same set of failed leadership we have.
O compatriots arise! For your future. Arise to take the life of your country from wolves disguised in sheep's clothing. Arise to save the unborn generation.
Arise Nigerians to stop recycling corrupt elements in the government. Arise to deliver the prestige of our great Nation to all home and abroad.
Arise so you will not fail the next generation. Time to rise is now!

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to sit and do nothing.
A clarion call to rise from mediocrity.