A word of change is a word every individual is praying for,not in other side but in good side. Change occurs everyday in human life and we can't stop it from our lives.Changing is taking place in all aspect of our lives,either physically,spiritually or anyway we may think of.Nobody can live without change but the thing that change in us or around us must be know by us whether its a change that will help our lives or destroy our lives .Our dear Nigeria is facing seriously kind of change now which was imputed by some set of people.Anyway, its a change so many of us are yearning for and now here is the change and most of us that supported the change now asking for another change.The truth of the matter is,change comes from no where,we are the change.A life that didn't change him/herself cannot change anywhere he want to occupy,in any field we may think of.When a life that want to change a particular thing is not thoroughly define or have clear mission and vision,there is no way that such person will not flaw or end up in shame. The notion of changing oneself must be vivid to such person before taking a step to change others lives.Whom you look unto now for change will determine your tomorrow change.
Unfortunately, many have lure to bad change,they can't grow(change) the way others did.Its time to have the change of mind and ways because if our minds and ways is not change,we'll remain changeless which implies,no progress(stagna),no vision and things will become gloomy for such soul.
They can still be a change in your life if only you can re-plan it.

Have a abundance blessed week.

© F. O. G