Dr B.

As soon as my eyes fell upon her,  I knew I wanted nothing but to befriend her. Her effect on me was instanteneous. It left me no chance of resistance. Immediately, I admitted to myself that I'd linger than I planned in this General Hospital. I'd do just about anything to perpetuate myself in this petite doctor's presence in order to bolster my chances of an interaction. My fascination for women in the heatlhcare profession is well documented yet more often than not, it has come to life only in form of female nurses.

I gathered myself and proceeded to check on my boss who I just found out has been admitted into hospital. Hon. Marcus didnt look too badly as I initially feared. Giving his incessant complaints in the preceeding days, he could have been worse. Or maybe he was doing a good job of sucking it in. Strong lad. In anyways, he insisted I get myself tested for malaria also. We had both commenced malaria treatment after returning from some fun but stressful few days spent in Abuja looking brow-beaten. It was self medication but the Pharmacist we patronised assured us antimalaria drugs don't come better than Leonart. But here lies Marcopolo as he fondly called after completing his dosage. He doesn't look badly but he is nowhere near good. And well,  there is me,  I feel better but I'd be fooling myself to assume I was in good health already.

Not that I mind getting tested and commencing treatment immediately but in my fifteent years in and out of this city, I'd never patronise a public hospital. I didnt know if I was ready to jinx that record. But this babe, this doctor, she's an enabler. I would commence treatment for HIV AIDS on the spot if it would guarantee me a shot at her. I wanted to speak with her. I wanted her to hold my hand. Ouh lawd!

So it happend that after more than half an hour, I'd entered the hospital, I initiated the process of getting treated in the same hospital my boss was admitted. I made few enquries from a random male auxillary nurse and was directed to where I would purchase a registration card. I paid for my card and other relevant documents and proceeded directly to my target doctor. She had to be the specific one to diagnose me. I desperately wanted her to touch me. Even for the briefest seconds. She was busy making notes on another patient's card when I returned. I switched on my best manners determined to make a good impression.

" Excuse me, can I have a minute please ", I asked politely.

She raised her head from the note she was making and after regarding me for a split second bellowed at me like an unwanted but persistent beggar passing boundaries at a social gathering.

" How do you expect me to know you're here for treatment since when you've been here for long and didnt submit your card?"

Good God! Even as condescending as she was, she was still alluring to me. I wanted to kiss her lips. Yea, the routine was for a patient to submit his or her card to the auxillary nurse in sight and the latter would drop it with either of the doctors on call. You'd wait for your name to be called by the doc then go in to describe your symptoms blah blah. But for fuck sake I just got my own card barely a minute ago.

To say her reaction was humilating would be puttng it mildly. All eyes in the lobby  easily found their direction at me. But I wasn't fazed one bit. I'd rather endure this pretty lady shouting down at me than take no coignisance of my existence. I gracefully excused myself with no trace of shame to locate my ass  on one of the chairs in the waiting lobby. The male nurse I'd earlier conversed with came over to collect my card and took it to the alternative doctor's office. I cussed him under my breathe. Who send diswan message nau?

In my heart, I remained steadfast that I serve a living God and he'd fulfil the desires of my heart. Except if there is no God in heaven will this pretty female doctor not be the one to attend to me....

Ogbeni La