Az I waz pazzingby thiz morning to buy wat I will eat for breakfazt, I zaw two girlz fighting zerioxly in  front of a guy'z houze  while the guy zat down happily watching the two girlz fight, and waz lafing.

Az I zaw dem fighting, I quickly went to the zcene and I zeperated them, and zucceeded in calming the two girlz down at firzt.
And ztarted by azking them their namez; one zaid her name iz GLORY, the other zaid zhe iz GRACE, and the funniezt tin iz d two girlz are friendz. Zo I azked wat happened???

GLORY zaid; av bin getting information that GRACE my own friend av bin zleeping with my boyfriend JARULE(the guy who zat proudly and watch dem fight) zo diz morning I learnt zhe pazzed a night here, zo I came to confirm, ho and bhold it waz true. Zo wen zhe zaw me zhe waz ztil comfortably lying on my guyz bed tying my own wrapper (I bin wan laf, but I held myzelf).

Immediately GRACE ztarted zhouting; "zo I zleep with ur boyfriend na waiting make u wan die abi? No wori ee remain ur FATHER wey I go zleep with idiot", zhe continued; " Favour  u don forget wen u bin zleep with my boyfriend SAMMY, zhey u zee az d tin dey pain?
GRACE zhouted; "you ar a fool! Grace I zay u ar a dirty fool! Iz it becauze of dat dirty SAMMY?  Glory zaid;" den why did you zleep with him? Grace; "y won't i zleep with him fool! Iz dat why you wil come and zleep wit my  JARULE??

Becauze of my rezpect for womanhood, I zhut dem up, gave them tranzport to go bck home. And my lazt word to dem waz; " think about ur life and make a pozitive change". And dey left.

*Am zhort of wordz* I muzt zay the girl called GLORY haz no glory in her, rather zhame. The girl called GRACE haz no grace, rada dizgrace.

Even wen u zee anoda girl wit ur man,muzt u dizgrace urzelf zhamefully outzide? Beauty doz not depict maturity,but CHARACTER.
Az a matured girl u zaw ur anoda woman wit ur man in d houze, wat u juzt need to do iz to turn bck and liv zilence, leta in d day call and azk him how he iz doing,He will b d one dat will run to look for u wit great apology.

And diz man zhey u tink zay u dey enjoy abi? Rezpect urzelf, and rezpect women, dont jam dia headz together. Be warned! *zo i alzo tod the guy JARULE*

If u ar involve in zuch, pleaze change ur wayz great daughterz of zion!