Part 2 of 5

His mind wandered back 
To the simple days of childhood
When he once loved life and I feared death
He can't say if it was a trance or a dream
But he was sure he saw her
His mother came to him under that tree
She was the only true love he ever knew
She stood over him
Not in her usual rags
That one she wore the day he was born
That same one she wore labouring at dirty jobs
In the houses of rich notorious fools
That one she wore when the trailer ran over her
When she was hurrying over to pick them from school
When she met her untimely death
The love and struggles of the mother
Will all the wealth of this world compensate that?
It was the saddest day of his life
He has lived with the guilt ever since
But the redemption he sought from the street
Had hastened him down to his own hell

Under that tree she came to him again
This time looking radiant and happier
Not too many things has changed about her though
She still had that girlish look and tiny unbroken voice
He knew this when he began to say

“Son, live!
Today is not your day to die
Live for me, my treasure live
In the darkness of your soul
There is strength, find it
Awake the sleeping giant in you
Let it rise to unhindered flight
You are all I've got
Live son, do not die”

He can't tell if it was a dream or a glance really
But whatever that was
Is certainly worth a second thought

Watch out for part 3

© Olatuja Oloyede

Pen Panther