How could you say this world is bad place when we all know that this world is as innocent as an unborn child which makes her not guilty of whatever charges, both the committed and the yet-to-be-committed charges. Because it is only the unpardonable practice of shared wickedness that will allow somethingperson to sentence a foetus for uninformed emergence to a family when she had no choice but to obey man's bidding. The result becomes thus "A convicted foetus but acquitted perpetrators" Bemoaningly laughable, isn't it?

How could you say this world is a good place when she had incessantly been desicrated and violated with indept profane and beyond repairs by "powers that be". Even as much as we can see the attitudinal rottening of her birthed inhabitants with the oozing out of an unfathomable pungent stench like a rotten egg; there is no way we will not look for the Mother Hen that allowed the advent of such decadence. Whether you agree with me or yes, the blame have to be nailed on somethingperson. 

Will you then say that the world is neither good nor bad? I forbid you to conceive such thought, I tantamountly desist you from birthing it out and with all sense of plea, I beg you not to nurture it. 
When somethingperson is neither good or bad, it's only good for one thing: OUT-PUKING. I submit that lukewarmness is the worst case scenario any place could be. It gives rise to one-step progression and three-step retrogression.

You might be wondering what world we are in then, but if you ask me : I DON'T KNOW

©Osifo Uyi Edogiawerie