Boredom is a key which opens the door to explore things you wouldn't do in bright mood. Everything seems to not make sense to you, you listen to your heart beat. Like a wanderlust, you travel every region of your mind. You soliloquy to see if the room can stop playing the sombre music. You look around to see serenity and tranquility laced with vulnerability. 

Different ideas and imaginations begin to pop up. Boom! Like a flash, you come alive. A wave of emotions rush through your spine but you couldn't curtail it due to its energetic influence on you. Learn to cherish your boredom because it is a way nature calms the surrounding when the inner being wants to speak to you. The good way to utilize effectively any information we receive is to filter all bad thoughts and let the good ones slide through your cerebral for processing.

In a twinkle of an eye, you are refresh with new updates from your inner being. But don't forget to pen it down because our brain is sensitive to new information, when it sees that no action is taken and a new cell is created. It remotely delete it to create space for another ruminations.

You can be the best you ever dreamt of in a remote journey through your mind chaperone by boredom.
